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Saturday, January 1, 2011
2011 posted at 12:49 AM

Happy New Year!  :)

What are my resolutions, you may ask?
Well, my main resolution is to spend this year learning.  I'm out of school as of now, but I've been reflecting on the fact that there are many things I've always said I wanted to learn how to do that have just fallen through the cracks of my 'formal' education.  Things like sewing - I've always wanted to be able to sew.  I want to practice cooking.  I want to get better at knitting.
I also want to read a lot and experience a lot.  Hopefully, taking some time off of school will give me a chance to learn and experience the things that I have been wanting to learn/do/see/explore.

My first project of the year was hand-sewing a garland of owls that spell out 'Joyeux Noël!"  I'm making it for next Christmas.  It's pretty cute, if I do say so myself!  I just decided to go for it.  Photos, perhaps, to follow - if I can get my camera working!